NRoSO Roadshow
2020 – 21 Annual Training Event
UK Farmers, Growers and their sprayer operators have been increasing their awareness of best practice regarding pesticide application over recent years.
During the last decade the NRoSO annual training events (roadshows) have been a major source of update training for operators.
NRoSO Roadshow 2020/2021 Update
We are pleased to announce that the 2020-2021 NRoSO Annual Training Event will still be going ahead but to ensure that all members have the opportunity to access this, the event will move to a web-based platform.
City & Guilds are working with the providers of Ei-Operator to develop the e-learning course and expect this to be live from 14th January 2021.
The arable e-learning course will involve four topic areas and after each section there will be a small multiple choice question section which requires 80% pass rate (or 4/5 questions to be answered correctly in each section) to move onto the next module. All four modules are required to be completed before details are passed to back to NRoSO for points to be allocated.
The fruit e-learning course will involve three topic areas and after each section there will be a small multiple choice question section which requires 80% pass rate (or 4/5 questions to be answered correctly in each section) to move onto the next module. All three modules are required to be completed before details are passed to back to NRoSO for points to be allocated.
Members will not need to contact City & Guilds to confirm completion of the e-learning as they will be advised by the providers of Ei-Operator on a regular basis of those who have completed these courses.
They anticipate that each module will take roughly 25 minutes to complete (30 minutes for the fruit) with five minutes to complete the multiple choice questions so an average two hours, and as such it has been agreed that the course will be awarded eight NRoSO points for this year (five BASIS points have been allocated).
This e-learning will be available till 30th June 2021 and members who sign up before this date will have till 31st August to complete, there are also unlimited attempts to pass this. The cost of taking the annual training course is £30.00 (£25.00 + VAT).
Visit to find out more.