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Awesome Dawsum!

Status: AHDB Recommended List 2022/23

The excellent barn-filling choice.

New from KWS is a hard Group 4 wheat that offers growers the ultimate in flexibility on-farm, delivering fantastic yields right across the early, mainstream and late sown slots (108%, 104% and 104% in KWS trials sown September, October and end of November, respectively).

Couple these benefits with the excellent disease package.

The variety delivers an untreated yield second only to KWS Extase and includes 6.3 for Septoria and 9 for yellow rust. Add in the exceptionally marketable grain and you have a truly D-awesome variety which will earn itself a place on every farm this season!

Disease Resistance

Mildew - 8
Yellow Rust - 9
Brown Rust - 7
Septoria Tritici - 6.3
Eyespot - [5]
Fusarium Ear Blight - 6
Orange wheat blossom midge - -

  • Group 4 Feed Wheat – Hard
  • One of the highest yielding variety on the RL 104%
  • Wide range of soil types

About the author

Harlow Agricultural Merchants

Harlow Agricultural Merchants Ltd, or HAM as we are known to our friends is one of the leading independent, arable merchants in the region. HAM is focused on giving the best possible advice and service in the four key areas of Agro-chemicals, Fertiliser, Grain and Seed.

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